8/8 (Tuesday)
Rome wasn’t built in a day…and neither is the road to Miss America! More prep work today!
8/9 (Wednesday)
As preparations continue for Miss America, I am reminded of a quote by Sam Goldwyn, “The harder I work, the luckier I get!” Who knows…maybe this hard work will pay off in the end? :)
8/10 (Thursday)
I traveled to southern Minnesota to the Renville County Fair in Bird Island, MN. I had a great afternoon with tractor pulls, story time, 4-H agriculture shows, performing piano, and of course, seeing many smiling facies! Thank you to Linda Hagen Kvanbeck (Miss Minnesota 1972) and her husband, Jim, for chaperoning me and to the Renville County Fair Board for inviting me!
8/11 (Friday)
I traveled six hours back up north to Thief River Falls, MN, to meet with Drs. Stephanie Weyrauch and Kim Rosendahl of Rehab Authority. At the beginning of the month, the annual RiverFest activities take place in Thief River Falls, including the Rehab Authority 5/10K Run with proceeds benefiting various local charities. This year, they have so graciously donated $550 in proceeds to Brenna’s Brigade and the Arthritis Foundation! We are so thankful for community support for Brenna and other kids like her who battle arthritis and often use physical therapy and other resources that places like Rehab Authority provide. Thank you!
8/12 (Saturday)
Saturday was a fun-filled day as I traveled up to Karlstad, MN, for Moosefest! Known as the “Moose Capitol of the North,” Moosefest celebrations are always a blast! I first started off at the parade, escorted in a beautiful convertible provided by North Star Motors, and from there I partook in many fun events, from prize drawing, musical entertainment, caricature drawings, and the meet and greet autographs and photo sessions! It was a great day, not only because I got to see folks who have known me since I was young, but more importantly, I got to meet the one and only Michael Ruud, who was a 2014 Children’s Miracle Network Champion who had the opportunity to meet both President and First Lady Obama and Miss America 2014 Kira Kasantzev! Michael is an amazing hero and it was an honor to meet him and his family, who is from northwest Minnesota! Thank you to Bonnie Loveness and Marlene Peterson for coordinating and chaperoning the day’s events!
8/13 (Sunday)
Travel, travel, travel…it’s all in a day’s work!
8/14 (Monday)
My morning started off bright and early with Polly Meyer from Image on Camera! Polly has been a phenomenal coach when it comes to displaying yourself in the most authentic and best way possible in interview! I am so thankful to her for all she has done to prepare me for the biggest interview of my life! Thank you Polly!
I then met with Grant Wood, who is an advisor to companies who invent and forge ahead new products in the fields of technology and computer privacy. We had a great discussion about all things technology based, as well as continued with more interview based training as well! Thank you Grant for taking time out of your schedule to meet with me!
And for the rest of the day? Well….again with the prep. I have nothing witty to say about prep anymore….check back with me next week! ;)
As always, remember to follow me on social media for daily updates on:
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and Snapchat --> @missamericamn :)
Thanks for tuning in to this week's "Monday Minutes with Miss Minnesota!"
Until next week, keep shining!