We've asked each contestant to interview her roommate... Miss Southwest has a room to herself, so she interviewed our wonderful hostesses.
Miss Southwest - Melissa Paakh

I set up a conference call with the pair and was surprised to learn the two have an interesting history. They met through work, and if it wasn't work that was going to bring them together, something else would have.
Melissa: What is the one thing the Miss Minnesota Class of 2016 should know about you?
Karla: Well they should know how we met. We are both nurses. While I was working in Owatana in a contract, Jacquie started working in the same role. Before we had even met, our bosses didn't think we were going to get along and were concerned. They thought our personalities were going to clash, so they sent us off to a supervisor training class to work things out. We've been best friends since. We also have the same middle name, (Kaye) and both of our Mom's name is Dorris. We both have two kids, a boy and a girl.
Jacquie: And her birthday is on my ex husband's birthday and my birthday is on Karla's ex husband's birthday. One of us is left brained and one is right brained so we seem to make up for each other. I always have the right side and Karla always has the left side so we compliment each other- but we do this unconsciously. We even sleep that way in hotel rooms!
Karla: It's true- we were meant for each other.
Jacquie: Although my mother likes her better than me. (laughs)
We started to chat about the Miss Minnesota competition, and they explained that since there are two separate dressing rooms, Jacquie takes one and Karla takes one. I found out that they have a "dressing room competition" for who will have the new Miss Minnesota in their dressing room. Fun fact: Two of the last 3 Miss Minnesota's have sat in the same chair in the same dressing room.
Melissa: What is the craziest thing that has happened backstage?
Karla: The fastest wardrobe change ever was accomplished by Siri Freeh. There were 4 of us that all had one job. One person pulled off the old dress, one person did the shoes, etc. Siri was on stage, off stage, and then back on stage in a new dress in about 2 minutes.
Jacquie: Last year I made an awesome duct tape bra. One of the contestants didn't have a bra for her dress, so I made a bra out of duct tape for her, two nights in a row.
(I know, these ladies are impressive!)
Melissa: What is one piece of advice would you give to the contestants?
Karla: Don't look at what your neighbor is doing, what they are wearing, or how they are doing their make up. Usually that is a mistake because girls will start to questions themselves and if what they are doing is right. Girls do much better when they stay true to themselves.
Jacquie: I agree. Laugh if you need to, cry if you need to, and what ever happens there is a reason for it, and you just keep going.
Melissa: Of everything that has happened during Miss MN week, what is one thing you will never forget?
Karla: One year, they wanted to have a smoke effect for the show, but during rehearsal it set off all the fire alarms. There was a contestant that had asthma and the haze really bothered her, so she had to go outside. Ultimately they decided not use them.
Jacquie: Last year it was very warm outside. A couple contestants asked if they could go outside and sit on the grass, so I thought sure why not? Well they both fell asleep laying outside. The judges chair came inside and said that girls were sleeping on the lawn so we had to bring them back inside.
Karla: Jacquie can't be trusted with the girls! (laughing) One time she left two girls at the hotel when we were supposed to be going somewhere, but luckily the Yehs (parents of Miss Minnesota that year) were still at the hotel and were able to bring them.
After finishing our conversation, I have to say that after hearing the crazy stories from this fun-loving duo, I am even more excited for Miss Minnesota week. Hopefully this year there won't be a need for fire alarms or duct tape bras- but if there's one thing that Jacquie and Karla taught me, the week is unpredictable, and the best way to go about it is to be yourself, and laugh along the way.