As Presented by Miss Waseca County Sleigh & Cutter - Drew Trahms
My platform is "Change Their Story: Combating Domestic Violence with Economic Empowerment." One in four women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime, and the number one reason women can't leave or return to an abusive relationship is they don't have the financial resources needed to break free. As a victim myself, these resources gave me the freedom to leave, and I believe all survivors should be empowered to do the same. My platform is about partnering with shelters to bring financial literacy and career empowerment training to survivors across the state of Minnesota so that they, too, can change their story.
What is your favorite post pageant snack?
Definitely cheesecake!
What is your talent? How long have you been doing that?
My talent is piano performance; I started taking lessons in the second grade.
What are you most looking forward to at the Miss Minnesota pageant?
Some of my best friends I've met as a result of competing in the MAO, and I look forward to the deep connections and friendships that form every year during Miss Minnesota week! I'm so looking forward to sharing a room with you, Drew!
What is one crazy thing I should expect as your roommate?
I have funny night gowns for every night of competition. My mom just picked up a pink one with a moose on the front wearing a crown and sash that reads. "Moose America!"