2024 State Competition Paperwork
Teen Contestant Orientation - Saturday, April 27
Treasure Island Resort & Casino
This day is required to attend unless excused by the state board of directors
Congratulations and Welcome to the 2024 Class of Miss Minnesota's Teen! We are thrilled to have you with us. It is our goal to make this experience a rewarding one for you. So that you can relax and compete to the best of your ability, we have quite a bit of paperwork to be completed as required by Miss America. Please go through each item, download documents, read, and respond as requested. Be sure to make all deadlines and sign every page that requires a signature! Double check it all - triple check is better!
NEW THIS YEAR! This year we are asking all contestants to upload all their competition documents (including talent music and information) that are required for Miss Minnesota's Teen and due on April 6, 2024, to create a folder in google drive and then share that folder with the following state board members:
Please create a folder in google drive/docs and share with the following people (click on name for email to share too):
Kathy Shellum
Gina Cavanagh
Jodi Swaja
Include your local director!!
NEW THIS YEAR! This year we are asking all contestants to upload all their competition documents (including talent music and information) that are required for Miss Minnesota's Teen and due on April 6, 2024, to create a folder in google drive and then share that folder with the following state board members:
Please create a folder in google drive/docs and share with the following people (click on name for email to share too):
Kathy Shellum
Gina Cavanagh
Jodi Swaja
Include your local director!!
This will take time!
Do not think you can complete this all in one night. It is a process. Work with your Local Director while preparing your paperwork!
Do not think you can complete this all in one night. It is a process. Work with your Local Director while preparing your paperwork!
Download and Print the Paperwork Checklist
Dates and updated information will be added as we get closer to deadline dates.
Miss Minnesota State - National Contract
Social Media Agreement - National
Style Guide
Signatures and attachments required. Upload due on 4/20/2024
- The State & Local contract must be signed and uploaded to your google drive folder by April 20, 2024.
- The Power of Attorney needs to be signed and notarized - please bring this with you to Orientation. We will have a notary available, if you do not have access to a notary.
Each contestant must complete and sign the 2024 State Contract. Please note that contestants will need to "physically sign" the document - digital signature is NOT accepted per Miss America.
STATE CONTRACT - This contract will take time to complete. The contract will be emailed out to all contestants to fill out. Miss America will not allow us to publish on any social media sites. In addition, you will need to attach a copy of your birth certificate; drivers license (if applicable); school transcripts/diploma etc. There are several pages which require your signature, and each page needs to be initialed by you as well. Once completed, please upload to your google drive folder and label State Contract with contestant name and local representing.
Social Media Agreement. This contract must be completed by each local titleholder and uploaded with state paperwork. This is required by the Miss America Opportunity!
Miss America Style Guide. This shows examples of Interview and Evening Gown, also includes shoes that are and aren't accepted for stage!
STATE CONTRACT - This contract will take time to complete. The contract will be emailed out to all contestants to fill out. Miss America will not allow us to publish on any social media sites. In addition, you will need to attach a copy of your birth certificate; drivers license (if applicable); school transcripts/diploma etc. There are several pages which require your signature, and each page needs to be initialed by you as well. Once completed, please upload to your google drive folder and label State Contract with contestant name and local representing.
Social Media Agreement. This contract must be completed by each local titleholder and uploaded with state paperwork. This is required by the Miss America Opportunity!
Miss America Style Guide. This shows examples of Interview and Evening Gown, also includes shoes that are and aren't accepted for stage!
Role of Miss Minnesota's Teen, Code of Ethics & Conduct
Upload due on or before April 6, 2024
Digital signature is acceptable on the Role of Miss Minnesota Description
Download and sign - upload signature pages to your Google Drive Folder
Download and sign - upload signature pages to your Google Drive Folder
MISS Scholarship Rules
Signatures required. Upload due on or before April 6, 2024
For Miss Minnesota's Teen Local Titleholders in the Class of 2024
Read and sign - digital signatures are acceptable
Download and sign - upload signature pages to your Google Drive Folder
Click on link below to read rules and sign the page
Read and sign - digital signatures are acceptable
Download and sign - upload signature pages to your Google Drive Folder
Click on link below to read rules and sign the page
Select Your Competition Order Placement!
CHOSE CONTESTANT LINE UP ORDER: By being one of our top 5 ad sellers, you will have the opportunity to select your competition number placement first.
NEW THIS YEAR: All TEEN contestants will be required to sell ONE (1) FULL ad page, (combination of half and full, but must equal ONE(1) FULL) NEW THIS YEAR: This year the top 5 ad page sellers will be chosen by how much money they raised selling ad pages, combining half and full pages. TEENS must sell 2 or more pages to be eligible for the top 5 placement. LOCAL DIRECTORS: IF your contestants are using any professional photographers for their ad pages, YOU MUST have the Photographer Release on file in your possession and approve all ad pages before submitting to Miss Minnesota - NO EXCEPTIONS. State will NOT be keeping the ad page photo release forms - these are for your file and will be made available to state, upon request.
State Fact Sheet & Community Service Initiative Statement Paperwork Instructions
1. Upload your completed Fact Sheet and 'signed' Community Service Initiative Statement (CSI) on or before April 6, 2024
2. Bring 10 printed copies of each to Orientation TBA.
2. Bring 10 printed copies of each to Orientation TBA.
Download both documents which will provide full instructions on how to prepare your FACT SHEET and your COMMUNITY SERVICE INITIATIVE paperwork for the judges.
Minnesota Fact Sheet Instructions
Community Service Initiative Instructions
Official Headshot Guidelines
1. Upload your Official Headshot to this website on or before April 6, 2024
2. MISS ONLY: In Addition, bring 10 (TEN) 4 x 6 prints to Orientation |
Headshot Guidelines IMPORTANT! Please review these guidelines before you have your official headshot taken. We are using the "Official Miss America" headshot guidelines.
IMPORTANT: When submitting any file, it must be CLEARLY LABELED and submitted as a PDF. (Except for talent tracks which will be .mp3 or .wav files.)
How do you label your documents ?
1. LOCAL TITLE FIRST - Example: Waconia's Teen or White Bear Lake's Teen etc.
2. Contestant Name (first and last)
3. Name of document you are submitting or name of music track
EXAMPLE: If your name is Cindy Anderson and you are Miss Waconia's Teen, your documents would be labeled as follows:
Waconia's Teen Cindy Anderson SOCIAL IMPACT
Waconia's Teen Cindy Anderson RESUME
Waconia's Teen Cindy Anderson HEADSHOT
Waconia's Teem Cindy Anderson JINGLE BELLS (assuming the track is Jingle Bells!)
How do you label your documents ?
1. LOCAL TITLE FIRST - Example: Waconia's Teen or White Bear Lake's Teen etc.
2. Contestant Name (first and last)
3. Name of document you are submitting or name of music track
EXAMPLE: If your name is Cindy Anderson and you are Miss Waconia's Teen, your documents would be labeled as follows:
Waconia's Teen Cindy Anderson SOCIAL IMPACT
Waconia's Teen Cindy Anderson RESUME
Waconia's Teen Cindy Anderson HEADSHOT
Waconia's Teem Cindy Anderson JINGLE BELLS (assuming the track is Jingle Bells!)
Talent Reservation, Music License Instructions, Talent Information, and Production Forms
Complete and submit this ONLINE form to reserve your talent ASAP. Be sure your local director is aware of your song submission. The Talent Reservation Form is Live NOW!
This is your FIRST STEP to getting your Talent approved. You will not be able to complete the rest of the talent forms until your talent is secured and the license is cleared.
This is also to ensure there are not two candidates singing, dancing, playing, or performing to the same song. A. USE OF PROPS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE STATE BOARD! NO EXTRA LARGE PROPS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE TREASURE ISLAND STAGE! NO EXCEPTIONS! B. Everything must be listed on the talent paperwork when turned in on April 6, 2024, including who your talent mentor is (must be a local committee member), any items needed for your talent, etc. No additions to talent can be made after April 6, 2024! No exceptions! |
LETTER TO LOCALS & CONTESTANTS - trying to explain what needs to be done for Sound Alike!
Click on file to right: -----------------------> |
LIST OF PEOPLE to help you with your music - fee based!
Click on file to right: ---------------------> |
Click on file to right: --------------------> |
Click on file to right: --------------------> |
Click on file to right: ---------------------> |
Miss America Music Use Rules
Explains rules on what you can and can't use for music Click on file to right: -----------------------> |
Miss & Teen Contestant Talent Detail Form
This is a JotForm and will automatically come to the state board
Once completed, upload this form along on the link at the bottom of this page.
Talent information must be completed and uploaded on or before April 6, 2024.
Talent Tracks are due to be uploaded on or before April 6, 2024. Be sure time is no longer than 90 seconds!
This is a JotForm and will automatically come to the state board
Once completed, upload this form along on the link at the bottom of this page.
Talent information must be completed and uploaded on or before April 6, 2024.
Talent Tracks are due to be uploaded on or before April 6, 2024. Be sure time is no longer than 90 seconds!
Official T-Shirt Order FormT-Shirts will be handed out upon check in for the Competition Week. You will be directed which days during competition week you will wear your shirts.
Food Allergy FormYour health is important to us. Please let us know if you have any dietary concerns or food allergies. FILL OUT THIS FORM EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY ALLERGIES SO WE KNOW YOU RESPONDED. Thank you!
Teens are responsible for paying for their own room, and MUST stay with an adult, preferably mom, aunt, grandmother. Sisters are not allowed to chaperone and/or any friends. The family friends rate at Treasure Island will be released in April. You may also stay at a cheaper hotel off site from Treasure Island. There are many hotels in Hastings (about a 15 minute drive) and in Red Wing (about a 10 minute drive). However, you must be in Treasure Island on or before the time specified to begin each day for rehearsal - we will start without you if you are not there. |
Additional Scholarship Opportunities
These scholarship applications will be available to download in January 2024
Additional scholarship opportunities will be added here so you can build your college fund. These scholarship applications will be independent of your official paperwork and will be posted as we receive them. Please check back as more are added.
To Be Announced!
To Be Announced!
Miss America State FEE Requirement 2024
Miss America is announcing a fee for a national sponsor that will be required with the American Heart Association - coming soon!